Monday, April 11, 2016

ILP "Design" Prezi

I made a Prezi Power Point presentation for my fake 5th grade classroom. My presentation went over everything I would go over on the first day of class "syllabus day." Below you will find the link to the prezi page. I enjoyed making the prezi, it's a great organized way one can present information to a class. Both students and teachers can use prezi.

ILP: "Participtation"

Activity Log:

  • Watched Renaldo Lawrence, a tutorial on Educational Technology for student success. 
  • Technology can play a critical role in the classroom, promoting engagement and knowledge retention.
  •  list of practical educational technologies that are easy to incorporate into instruction and will help students be successful both in and out of class.
  • help evaluate the ed tech landscape, determine what technologies are right for your classroom, and provide concrete examples of how to implement them. 
  • The tips cover everything from web resources, apps, and video to maps and eBooks. 
  • Start watching to find the tool that will take your students to the next level. 
  • Teach your students skills. 
  • Engage you students and your students parents.
  • Making materials available on and offline.  
  • Students and parents can then access the materials and learn with their child. 
  • Physically show the parents what their child is learning
  • Beware of how to use videos, music, images, and information. 
  • Discuss copyright laws. Rather something is legal to use or if you need to pay to use it. 
  • The date protection act
  • Organize yourself on google drive, how to structure your folder and stay organized
  • Create a folder
  • Create sub folders
  • Creating iBook author for quizzes
  • Free google tools anyone can use google form and adobe
  • Camtasia studio and fuse 
  • Creating a list of links
  • Dropbox 
  • Animoto
  • discussion website
  • How to use Google earth 

The tutorial I watched, Educational Technology for Student Success touched on a lot of great information. I learned about all the technology tools teachers can use in the classroom. I had no idea how many there really is. The speaker even explained to me step by steps on how to use the technology with students and parents. is an amazing! The website displays endless amounts of tech video tutorials. I absolutely plan to use this website again. My favorite part was when he talked about using free google tools. As well as when he discussed how important the rules on copyright are, and how a teacher should teach the students how to safely use information that isn't their own.  

Monday, April 4, 2016

blog 10

I would use the Data Collection tool to keep record of all of my students grades and absences  well organized. It's a great and easy tool for a teacher to use. A teacher can easily access the data collection tool on excel. If I was a sixth grade science teacher, I would keep record of my students absences, tardies, test, homework, quizzes, project grades as well as any extra credit points.
 I found it interesting how there is a wide variety of areas one can go into the education major. One my be interested in teaching special education while another may want to be a high school history teacher. I also liked seeing the screenshots of everyone's weekly assignment. I saw many creative and fun screenshots of how each one did the assignments.
 I would like to learn how to use a smart board. Most schools have traded out the out dated black board for smart boards. This is why it's essential that I learn how to use one. I know how to use the smart board a little bit.. But I find it very complex and scary. I plan to learn this coming up week when I go back to visit the tech sand box. I am going to play with the smart board and ask all the questions I have about it. I am determined to learn how to properly use this tech device.

Going to the tech sand box room will help me overcome any fears or obstacles I need to in educational technology. Reading articles and newsletter on new technology can help me keep up to date with all future educational technology devices. Practicing all the tools PowerPoint, Word, and Excel has to offer is another way I can achieve my tech goals.

Monday, March 28, 2016

A flipped classroom is designed for students who would like to watch video lectures online and then meet in class to discuss the lecture or work on assignments. I think a flipped classroom is an amazing new way students can learn course material. Distance delivery allows instructions to be given to students who are separated from their teachers by time or location. Distance delivery lets the class information be broadly delivered to the student. Blended distance delivery reminds me a little bit more of a flipped classroom, because it allows students to work from their home as well as meet face to face with the professor. Technology has made it easy for students to learn in their own spare time. Wikispaces for Educators is a great educational source that both teacher and students can use. Wikispaces for Educators has shared collaborative activity and resources created and edited by a group of student and teacher contributors on a topic.

 I learned how to use hyperlinks to make slides move easily from slide to slide by just a click of an arrow. I enjoyed making up a trivia! I made mine on the show the Bachelor and the Bachelorette. I highly plan and recommend the use of PowerPoint trivia games in classrooms! A trivia game is always a fun way students can study and review before a test. I plan to improve and polish my slides when making one of these again. I will have more time and would like to try to make a jeopardy slide. I found it difficult to add sound to my slide while using PowerPoint on a mac. I could only find or choose from sounds/music that were saved on my I tunes or music files on my computer. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Blog 8

I believe the online classroom is the best technology advancement in education. Taking an online class can sometimes be easier for students versus having to go to an actual class. Especially if you're schedule is too full to physically attend a class. Online classes allow students to do their assignments, test, quizzes, papers etc at their own expense. The student can choose when he/she wants to work on the online class. Online classes are also great for students who like to get ahead in the material. Sometimes a student can even finish an online section ahead of time. Online classes are especially helpful today, since people are using the internet and computer device often. The online class allows a student to work at in their own pace. Most teachers will even upload power points or podcast the student can listen to in their own time. 

The digital divide, there are two different groups. Group A has an advantage because they have access to technology at home and at school. Therefore, they are familiar with using technology. They can do school work with ease and learn the material better. Group B however has had little or no usage with technology in education. The school they attend does not provide the students with technology, and the student does not have access to technology at home. I am on group A side, I grew up having access to technology at home and in school. My teachers always wanted our papers to be typed up on Microsoft word. I even had teacher who would ask the students to turn homework in online. I think the divide might not effect me much in the future, because technology is being used in the classrooms. Most young population do have some kind of access to a computer. If for some reason I am ever faced with a student who does not have access to technology. I will help the students out by giving them the option to use the school library, computer lab, or classroom computer. 

I really enjoyed working on the PowerPoint assignment. I like using PowerPoint! It's a tremendous learning/study tool in education. Everything looks organized and clear on PowerPoint. I have been using PP since my middle school days. PowerPoint helps me visually learn the material, while also giving me the chance to take down notes. I 100% plan to use PP in my future career as a teacher. I can teach my future students the chapter lesson, have study reviews, and even play educational games! 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Blog 7

I can use Power Point as a creative tool to teach a lesson plan.  Power Point opens up many creative ways to teach and learn text. Students understand and remember information when shown in a power point slide. Applying information to a power point is important to keep a students attention. Analyzing information is a great one can learn better.  Students an take notes while watching the power point presentation.

 Adaptive technology is used for students with disabilities such as handicap, deaf, and blind. Adaptive technology helps the student learn in the classroom. I have seen a blind student in class using adaptive technology. Examples of a adaptive technology for the blind are screen readers and word talk. A teacher can experience many challenges when faces with using adaptive technologies in the classroom. The teacher would need to know how the device works and how she can incorporate the lesson to fit it. As well as how to make all students feel comfortable.

 I knew a little bit about making a website since I made a weebly account in the past. However weebly has updated their website since I last used it. Weebly has added and made it easier for you to create your own website. I really enjoyed adding my own twist and creativity to the website. I 100% can see myself creating a website in the future for my class. I like the idea of using a website as a easy tool parents, students, or guardians can use to keep in contact with the teacher. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog #5

The web is an important teaching tool. Web 2.0 is useful in the classroom. I can't imagine web 2.0 not being used anymore in schools.Teachers can use you tube, wiki, blogs, Diigo, and twitter. You tube is used to stream educational videos. Blogs can be used to open up the creative writing skills. Wikis can be used to engage students in collaborative writing and collaborative knowledge basics. Twitter is great for students to follow scientist, authors, and other public figures. Diigo is social bookmark for sources found online. Students can post notes and questions about the article. The smart board is an example of a effective tool a teacher can use in the class room. 

I would like to use Diigo in the classroom. I didn't know what diigo was until taking this class and I think Diigo could have helped me with a number of class assignments. It's a great tool for students to have access to. Diigo allows student to read reliable article and then use them safely. Diigo also allows students to share any thoughts, questions, and opinions they may have on the topic with other students. A student can use Diigo when writing research papers.

 Concept mapping is a wonderful tool! Concept maps allows teachers to organize, itemize, and visualize information from chapters in a book. It's also a nice tool a teacher can use to make a study guide for students. However, I did not like the program web inspiration. Unfortunately, I found myself working on the concept map for way too many hours. What should of only taken me an hour tops. The problem wasn't making the concept map but finding a way to save the concept map or picture. Next time I'd rather use the one in Microsoft word. I ended up resulting to taking a screen shot of the concept map but it was still difficult to screenshot, the map was so big. I think concept map could be printed for the class, but it would be tough to email to the class or post on a website. There is probably a way to do it but I wasn't sure how to. Maybe if I get more practice I can grow to like it more. I  do like that concept maps can be used as a study tool for visual learners like me. 

Blog #6

I haven't been on my high school (Fort Walton Beach) website in years so I decided to take a look at it. I found out that the web site has in fact been updated since I was student at the school. A picture of the school is the first thing I noticed. The second thing was the title, "It's great to be viking."  The school is rated an A+ school. There are links at the top of the page such as; a home, current students, athletics, clubs and activities, school information, and a contact link. There are also a variety of other links on the right side of the page. One link I see is for students or parents to login to see grades. The web page has a slideshow of pictures and below there are videos one can click on to watch the video. If you scroll down you can see graphics and links to click on about up coming events, voting, registration, athletics, news letters, and so much more! To the right there is a column with even more links to pages you can look through. Two examples is see is the bell schedule and teacher webpages. The Website has no grammar or spelling errors, is neatly organized, well designed, and proudly shows off the school colors and mascot. The website is easy for students, teachers, and parents to navigate around it. 


I envision myself using technology to accomplish professional responsibilities in the future as well as right now in the present. I have always considered myself an organized person. Technology has helped me become even more organized. I can neatly organize my files on my computer desktop or USB drive. Being a well organized person is important because, it helps a person stay on track and remember to accomplish all of his/her responsibilities for that day. I believe that all teachers should acquire organization skills. If I had to chose one tech item as my favorite tech item, it would be my laptop. My laptop helps me finish all of my task efficiently. The laptop computer lets me do all of my school work on one device. My iPhone has my life on it as well. I can use my cellphone when I'm away from my laptop, but still have a list of things to finish. The iPhone carries many apps I use daily. Just to name a few I can check my email, bank account, calendar, to do list, schedule, alarm clock, and even use the GPS if I get lost. The next tech item I want to start using is an iPad. An iPad would come in handy for when I don't want to bring my laptop to class. The iPad can easily replace most of all of the function a laptop has. I without a doubt can see myself using smart boards, laptop computers, iPad, any technology given to the classroom when I become a teacher.

The web Evaluation Wiki gave me new skills. I learned what to look for when evaluating a website. For example, is the spelling on the webpage correct? As a teacher you need to make sure spelling and grammar is always proper when sharing websites or documents to students and parents. Teachers should also know what makes a web source a reliable source to use in the classroom. Teachers can use websites to help with their lesson plans, and students can use websites to help understand the subject better. Teachers and students can use websites that are recommended to them for school projects and assignments. My group used google drive to help us work together on making the wiki group page. I don't use google drive very often, but I think it's a great tool for saving and sharing files. I can see myself using it a lot more from now on. I will especially share with my classroom someday, when I assign group work.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blog #4

The standard I have chosen is SC.2.L.14.1 this standard teaches second grade students how to distinguish the human body parts (Brain, heart, lungs, stomach, muscles, skeleton) and their basic functions. I would use graphics, presentation software, and tutorials -and- drill practice to help students learn where the body parts are located and what function they hold in the human body. I would also incorporate an educational "review" game to the classroom. The winner would receive a prize such as extra credit points on test or a sweet treat. Another tool I would use is group projects. I would allow a group of 2-3 students for the class project. Each group would get a body part assigned for them to learn about and present to the class. I think that it's never too early for student to start learning about how the human body functions. Our body is amazing! This subject will help students understand the body. I would enjoy teaching these lessons to a classroom. I would make the lessons fun, interesting, and memorable. I have taken many science courses as a college student and all Universities and Colleges require you to take a certain amount of science courses even if one isn't a science major. I think its important for students to take well rounded sciences courses in early childhood. I don't see schools teaching elementary students Human Anatomy. I mean why not? Most student will eventually one day take the course or a course that is similar.  Also why not encourage students to learn about the human body? It will help the child decide early on in life if they like the subject. Science in general can be a difficult subject to grasp especially with the wide range of areas. The great thing about learning when you're young is that the brain is developing and soaking up everything you learn. Taking a course in distinguishing the human body and its basic function will help the student in his/her future sciences related classes. For example, if they decide to pursue a career in the medical or science field. 

In the past I would use google all the time when writing a paper for school, without knowing that everything on google isn't always considered reliable and scholarly. Before, I would struggle with finding good sources. I recently I learned about the FSU library database, where students can search for reliable journals, books, webpages to use as sources. This is very important since professors always ask students to cite their sources when writing a paper or working on a project. And the professors make it clear to only use scholarly sources.

The web hunt assignment allowed me to learn a new skill, how to use google scholar. I plan to also use it from now on whenever writing a paper. It's another great reliable source and tool one can use for school.

Web Hunt Challenge
1. Find a website that gives you a virtual tour of the human body. 
2. Find a picture that labels and shows the location of all the major organs in the human body.
3. Find a video about the human skeleton.
4. Find a webpage that allows you to make a class page and keep parents in the loop. 
5. Find a website that allows you to make a picture/diaphragm of the human skeleton and major organs. So your students can learn by filling in the blank spaces as a class or homework assignment.
6. Find a website that allows you to play/make an educational game on the Human Anatomy. 
7. Find a website with examples of Human Anatomy projects for you to get ideas from.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Blog #3

In this moment if I had to choose I would honestly be scared to choose one because I think that a successful teacher prepares for every lesson he/she teaches. If I had to pick one; English, writing, reading, and language arts would be the one I think I am most prepared for. I am constantly writing a paper as a college student. Therefore, I am always brushing up on my grammar skills. I will use the rules I learned in English Language Arts or grammar class throughout my lifetime. The tools used for these subjects are more simple and easy to understand. For example using digital media and videos to teach the students. I would need more preparation for science, social studies, and history subjects. I would need to read the chapters in the book and outline specifically what my students will need to learn. 

I would like to use a web blogger with my students. I found the video we watched in class interesting. I liked how the teacher made using a blog fun and easy for students to write and use their imagination. Creating a personal blog helped the shy students come out of their shell. Students begin to enjoy writing and practice their writing and grammar skills. The web blog helped improve students writing skills overall. The blog even encouraged students to write often. I believe that some students even began to look at writing as their new hobby.   

I acquired many skills while working on the newsletter this week. First I did not know how to make a "real newsletter." I had no idea Microsoft word had these tools. I did not how to make a regular or shaded column for my newsletter until today.  I enjoyed making the newsletter. I think its an important way teachers can keep in contact with the students parent. I did not like making the header with the word art and clip art only because it took me a long time to perfect it.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Blog Post #2

I've seen teachers use it for syllabus, assignments, and study guides.
I use MS word all the time for school work. I use MS word when taking notes in class, typing up papers, and assignments/study guides.

When making a PowerPoint for class I will need to source any information that isn't my own at the end of my pp. My own experience with copyright has come up mostly when using power point or writing a research paper for class. Students photocopy photos from the web, books, and magazines all the time. Adding music clips to presentation. Do these student own or have permission to use the creative work. Copy right laws govern what teachers and students use in the classroom. It is illegal to photocopy a text book. Fair use is a set of guideline that allows people to copy limited amounts of the work. One can also buy to use the copyright.   Student always need to cite their sources. Usually APA format is used. The internet has a pool of information students can access. Students should always have a citation page at the end of their paper, and also cite the information in the text. I would deal with the concept by informing my students on the rules of copyright. I would encourage them to ask questions and be conscience when using material that is not your own. I would teach a workshop on the copyright rules and define the true meaning of copyright. Teacher should explain why students cannot copy and whole book or video clip. A teacher should model respect for the intellectual property of other through their own actions. 

 Twitter can be used for classroom discussions among the students. Students can also use twitter as a fun way to follow up and stay up to date with the news in education. It's also a great way students can interact with one another.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Blog #1

Computers are an important part of the education experience. Technology has become an important teaching tool that is used in the classroom by most teachers. A computer is a central force used in today’s society. Critical concerns related to how teachers and students use computers can include teachers learning how to use the technology and then having to teach the students how to use the new technology. A teacher may have to take a technical training course and keep up with the device updates. Not all students are familiar with technology. Not all schools want to or can afford to use new technology in the classroom. Yes, I agree that issues may arise when using technology but I think that the perks of using technology greatly out weight the controversies. A computer can be used in the classroom as a teaching tool in a variety of ways. For example, spell check in word documents is an amazing tool for writing papers. However, a critical concern would be students always relaying on spell check to spell out the words for them.

I found the common core standard the most interesting. Yes it’s important for all students to be at grade level and for the teachers to know where the student stands. But there are other factors that can be the cause of why the students are not meeting the core standards. Most rural and urban schools have a hard time meeting the common core standards due to the socioeconomic difference. Students who attend schools in suburban areas tend to score higher in the common core standard subjects. Growing up I always struggled in the subject math. I really think it goes back to my earlier childhood education. In sixth grade my math teacher quit. The classroom that year was a mess. I honestly did not learn anything in math that year. The school would have a different math teacher come in almost every week. Each teacher taught the class differently. This is why I strongly believe that one teacher can change the way you learn in either a positive or negative way. I hope to one-day only leave positive learning mild stones on my students. Thankfully with dedication, help from tutors, and time I was able to achieve and pass my math classes. I am currently passed college level statistics.

A digital native is one who was born in 1970 to present time and uses technology and has been around the technical age. Today in class I learned that I do not agree with the term digital native, because one cannot agree that everyone uses technology. There are people who cannot afford technology and there are people who may simply live in an area that has no service. Therefore not all young people are digital natives. Yes, a wide population of the youth uses technology, and this can also be said about the elder population. Digital immigrants can be someone who did not grow up with using technology such as computers but that has adapted and learned how to use technology. Most teachers I have had are excellent at incorporating technology in the classroom. However, my mother (digital immigrant) always has trouble when using technology. She is constantly asking me tech questions and gets easily frustrated. She basically thinks I’m a “genius” for knowing all the computer skills I learned growing up. I anticipate that my future students and I will easily know how to use technology. I don’t think there will be much of a difference. One may think that age can be a factor but I have babysat children as young as 4 years old, who know how to use an iPhone and IPad. Many of the children I babysit for even have their very own IPad or IPhone device.

Twitter account follow me

Follow my Twitter account @langleme2040

Monday, January 11, 2016

Blog #0

I took a computer class in high school. The class taught me important computer skills such as; how to use Microsoft Word Document, Excel, and Power Point. Therefore, I am mildly familiar to computer technology. I seem to always find myself using a technology device. The great thing about the internet is anyone can Google how to do something if they don't know how to do it. Being a student has given me years of experience teaching myself how to use technology. 
I have grown very accustomed to my Mac computer program. The Mac program is different than Windows. I hope to regain useful Window skills. I also look forward to gaining new Window computer skills. I am eager to learn all the new ways we use technology today. As well as how to integrate technology in a classroom learning environment.   

Today I learned that I'm a visual learner versus being a verbal learner. I learn best when seeing pictures, charts, diagrams, and films. I'm also an active learner versus a reflective learner. I learn better when topics are explained to me in person. Another learning style I have is being a sensing learning instead of an intuitive learner. I like to form relationship between topics I learn. Lastly, I'm a sequential learner. In order for me to understand a topic, I need to learn by forming logical steps to the problem.