Monday, April 11, 2016

ILP: "Participtation"

Activity Log:

  • Watched Renaldo Lawrence, a tutorial on Educational Technology for student success. 
  • Technology can play a critical role in the classroom, promoting engagement and knowledge retention.
  •  list of practical educational technologies that are easy to incorporate into instruction and will help students be successful both in and out of class.
  • help evaluate the ed tech landscape, determine what technologies are right for your classroom, and provide concrete examples of how to implement them. 
  • The tips cover everything from web resources, apps, and video to maps and eBooks. 
  • Start watching to find the tool that will take your students to the next level. 
  • Teach your students skills. 
  • Engage you students and your students parents.
  • Making materials available on and offline.  
  • Students and parents can then access the materials and learn with their child. 
  • Physically show the parents what their child is learning
  • Beware of how to use videos, music, images, and information. 
  • Discuss copyright laws. Rather something is legal to use or if you need to pay to use it. 
  • The date protection act
  • Organize yourself on google drive, how to structure your folder and stay organized
  • Create a folder
  • Create sub folders
  • Creating iBook author for quizzes
  • Free google tools anyone can use google form and adobe
  • Camtasia studio and fuse 
  • Creating a list of links
  • Dropbox 
  • Animoto
  • discussion website
  • How to use Google earth 

The tutorial I watched, Educational Technology for Student Success touched on a lot of great information. I learned about all the technology tools teachers can use in the classroom. I had no idea how many there really is. The speaker even explained to me step by steps on how to use the technology with students and parents. is an amazing! The website displays endless amounts of tech video tutorials. I absolutely plan to use this website again. My favorite part was when he talked about using free google tools. As well as when he discussed how important the rules on copyright are, and how a teacher should teach the students how to safely use information that isn't their own.  

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