Monday, February 8, 2016

Blog #3

In this moment if I had to choose I would honestly be scared to choose one because I think that a successful teacher prepares for every lesson he/she teaches. If I had to pick one; English, writing, reading, and language arts would be the one I think I am most prepared for. I am constantly writing a paper as a college student. Therefore, I am always brushing up on my grammar skills. I will use the rules I learned in English Language Arts or grammar class throughout my lifetime. The tools used for these subjects are more simple and easy to understand. For example using digital media and videos to teach the students. I would need more preparation for science, social studies, and history subjects. I would need to read the chapters in the book and outline specifically what my students will need to learn. 

I would like to use a web blogger with my students. I found the video we watched in class interesting. I liked how the teacher made using a blog fun and easy for students to write and use their imagination. Creating a personal blog helped the shy students come out of their shell. Students begin to enjoy writing and practice their writing and grammar skills. The web blog helped improve students writing skills overall. The blog even encouraged students to write often. I believe that some students even began to look at writing as their new hobby.   

I acquired many skills while working on the newsletter this week. First I did not know how to make a "real newsletter." I had no idea Microsoft word had these tools. I did not how to make a regular or shaded column for my newsletter until today.  I enjoyed making the newsletter. I think its an important way teachers can keep in contact with the students parent. I did not like making the header with the word art and clip art only because it took me a long time to perfect it.


  1. I think it's cool that you want to use a blog with your students when you're a teacher. I think that is a great idea, especially if geared towards their age level.

  2. I also have an interest with using blogs in my future classroom, especially after watching that video. It definitely helps with being able to accommodate to all different types of students, shy students can shine and get out of their comfort zone by using blogs.

  3. Your newsletter looks great! I really like how you formatted the permission slip, especially the cut-off line with the scissors. I still have to learn how to do that. This assignment made me realize how much I still have to learn about Word. Great job!
