Monday, February 1, 2016

Blog Post #2

I've seen teachers use it for syllabus, assignments, and study guides.
I use MS word all the time for school work. I use MS word when taking notes in class, typing up papers, and assignments/study guides.

When making a PowerPoint for class I will need to source any information that isn't my own at the end of my pp. My own experience with copyright has come up mostly when using power point or writing a research paper for class. Students photocopy photos from the web, books, and magazines all the time. Adding music clips to presentation. Do these student own or have permission to use the creative work. Copy right laws govern what teachers and students use in the classroom. It is illegal to photocopy a text book. Fair use is a set of guideline that allows people to copy limited amounts of the work. One can also buy to use the copyright.   Student always need to cite their sources. Usually APA format is used. The internet has a pool of information students can access. Students should always have a citation page at the end of their paper, and also cite the information in the text. I would deal with the concept by informing my students on the rules of copyright. I would encourage them to ask questions and be conscience when using material that is not your own. I would teach a workshop on the copyright rules and define the true meaning of copyright. Teacher should explain why students cannot copy and whole book or video clip. A teacher should model respect for the intellectual property of other through their own actions. 

 Twitter can be used for classroom discussions among the students. Students can also use twitter as a fun way to follow up and stay up to date with the news in education. It's also a great way students can interact with one another.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I appreciate your point about teachers needing to model respect for intellectual property. So true!
