Monday, April 4, 2016

blog 10

I would use the Data Collection tool to keep record of all of my students grades and absences  well organized. It's a great and easy tool for a teacher to use. A teacher can easily access the data collection tool on excel. If I was a sixth grade science teacher, I would keep record of my students absences, tardies, test, homework, quizzes, project grades as well as any extra credit points.
 I found it interesting how there is a wide variety of areas one can go into the education major. One my be interested in teaching special education while another may want to be a high school history teacher. I also liked seeing the screenshots of everyone's weekly assignment. I saw many creative and fun screenshots of how each one did the assignments.
 I would like to learn how to use a smart board. Most schools have traded out the out dated black board for smart boards. This is why it's essential that I learn how to use one. I know how to use the smart board a little bit.. But I find it very complex and scary. I plan to learn this coming up week when I go back to visit the tech sand box. I am going to play with the smart board and ask all the questions I have about it. I am determined to learn how to properly use this tech device.

Going to the tech sand box room will help me overcome any fears or obstacles I need to in educational technology. Reading articles and newsletter on new technology can help me keep up to date with all future educational technology devices. Practicing all the tools PowerPoint, Word, and Excel has to offer is another way I can achieve my tech goals.

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