Monday, January 25, 2016

Blog #1

Computers are an important part of the education experience. Technology has become an important teaching tool that is used in the classroom by most teachers. A computer is a central force used in today’s society. Critical concerns related to how teachers and students use computers can include teachers learning how to use the technology and then having to teach the students how to use the new technology. A teacher may have to take a technical training course and keep up with the device updates. Not all students are familiar with technology. Not all schools want to or can afford to use new technology in the classroom. Yes, I agree that issues may arise when using technology but I think that the perks of using technology greatly out weight the controversies. A computer can be used in the classroom as a teaching tool in a variety of ways. For example, spell check in word documents is an amazing tool for writing papers. However, a critical concern would be students always relaying on spell check to spell out the words for them.

I found the common core standard the most interesting. Yes it’s important for all students to be at grade level and for the teachers to know where the student stands. But there are other factors that can be the cause of why the students are not meeting the core standards. Most rural and urban schools have a hard time meeting the common core standards due to the socioeconomic difference. Students who attend schools in suburban areas tend to score higher in the common core standard subjects. Growing up I always struggled in the subject math. I really think it goes back to my earlier childhood education. In sixth grade my math teacher quit. The classroom that year was a mess. I honestly did not learn anything in math that year. The school would have a different math teacher come in almost every week. Each teacher taught the class differently. This is why I strongly believe that one teacher can change the way you learn in either a positive or negative way. I hope to one-day only leave positive learning mild stones on my students. Thankfully with dedication, help from tutors, and time I was able to achieve and pass my math classes. I am currently passed college level statistics.

A digital native is one who was born in 1970 to present time and uses technology and has been around the technical age. Today in class I learned that I do not agree with the term digital native, because one cannot agree that everyone uses technology. There are people who cannot afford technology and there are people who may simply live in an area that has no service. Therefore not all young people are digital natives. Yes, a wide population of the youth uses technology, and this can also be said about the elder population. Digital immigrants can be someone who did not grow up with using technology such as computers but that has adapted and learned how to use technology. Most teachers I have had are excellent at incorporating technology in the classroom. However, my mother (digital immigrant) always has trouble when using technology. She is constantly asking me tech questions and gets easily frustrated. She basically thinks I’m a “genius” for knowing all the computer skills I learned growing up. I anticipate that my future students and I will easily know how to use technology. I don’t think there will be much of a difference. One may think that age can be a factor but I have babysat children as young as 4 years old, who know how to use an iPhone and IPad. Many of the children I babysit for even have their very own IPad or IPhone device.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Blog #0

I took a computer class in high school. The class taught me important computer skills such as; how to use Microsoft Word Document, Excel, and Power Point. Therefore, I am mildly familiar to computer technology. I seem to always find myself using a technology device. The great thing about the internet is anyone can Google how to do something if they don't know how to do it. Being a student has given me years of experience teaching myself how to use technology. 
I have grown very accustomed to my Mac computer program. The Mac program is different than Windows. I hope to regain useful Window skills. I also look forward to gaining new Window computer skills. I am eager to learn all the new ways we use technology today. As well as how to integrate technology in a classroom learning environment.   

Today I learned that I'm a visual learner versus being a verbal learner. I learn best when seeing pictures, charts, diagrams, and films. I'm also an active learner versus a reflective learner. I learn better when topics are explained to me in person. Another learning style I have is being a sensing learning instead of an intuitive learner. I like to form relationship between topics I learn. Lastly, I'm a sequential learner. In order for me to understand a topic, I need to learn by forming logical steps to the problem.